Monday 26 December 2011

New dictatorship in Tunisia "The Constitutional Assembly"

Ennahdha, CPR & Ettakattol political parties, also known as the Troïka are currently monopolizing the highest of both executive and legislative positions within the new Tunisian Government. However, since Ennahdha party won the majority of the public vote in the first democratic elections, they now hold the majority of these positions.

In retrospect, this choice was made by the Tunisian people and be it good or bad, the vote is final and must now be respected. If after the elections we, the Tunisian citizens,  feel we have  made an error in voting for these parties we should learn from our mistakes…

The reasons Ennahdha (The Islamist Party) won the majority vote are two fold : 

Firstly:  The large number of Tunisians who abstained from voting because they had no faith in a democratic election in effect handed the win to Ennahdha.

Secondly: A vast majority of the Tunisian Citizens voted for Ennahdha did so believing a vote for them was a vote for God.  In other words, the good Muslims vote for Ennahdha, the non Muslims (i.e: the atheists) vote for the other parties. To illustrate my point, I once asked someone why they voted for Ennahdha.  The response was “I voted for Islam!” It was more than evident that these kinds of people did NOT vote on the electoral issues but solely on religious merits.

So now, legally and democratically Tunisia finds itself in the hands of the Troïka! But who controls them? Now they’re elected, who holds the reigns?  It’s left to us as citizens of Tunisia to watch and wait and if necessary….to react once again to ensure our freedom from dictatorship.

An example of a recent decision made by the assembly which illustrates why we, the people of Tunisia should be vigilant is as follows: 

The Troïka has passed a law allowing an elected member of the constitutional assembly to also simultaneously be a government minister which is unheard of in any other democratic country in the world. 

The opposing parties (those not in the Troïka) are far too weak to be any real threat to these three major players in the new assembly.  My advice to these smaller opposing parties is to be responsible with their votes or boycotts of votes and to think before advising the people to strike since it will undoubtedly be used against them by the Troïka.  The elite Politicians, (the wearers of ties and shiny shoes) within these smaller opposing parties should think before criticizing Ennahdha by name calling and accusations of returning Tunisia to the dark ages. Rather they should go out into the country and meet the Tunisians.  Make a concerted effort to get in touch with what the people want.  Talking to them and explaining the new government, EDUCATING the citizens in what a democracy actually is will benefit them far more in the long run!

I also think it would be wise to create a committee to control the public expenses within the Assembly as well as the Government. After all, we have the right to know where our money is being spent!

A dictatorship exists when all the power is held by one person or governing body.  My message to the Troïka, the latest governing body and aspiring dictatorship is that YOU ARE TOO LATE!  Tunisia is free at last.  The Tunisians will never again bow down to oppression.   Dictators have no place here.  With that in mind, the new Constitution, besides setting out the various legislative aspects should clearly protect the rights of the people against any and all forms of abuse of power by the government.

Now my question is:  Will the Troïka keep it’s other promises?  Bearing in mind that they have already broken one very important promise to finish the constitution in ONE year.   The new deadline is unspecified and will take an undetermined period of time!!!  Is this another  sign of a new dictatorship?

In conclusion, we will never go back to the bad old days.  We will be watching!  For those who do good things for Tunisia, we will salute you.  For those who wish to take us back, we will resist you. 

« Grand Hommage à Nos Martyrs. On ne vous oubliera Jamais »  

A great tribute to our Martyrs. We will never forget you !

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